


  • 亚利桑那州五大农产品的市场价值包括蔬菜(7.64亿美元), 乳制品(7.62亿美元), 牛和小牛(7亿多美元), greenhouse/nursery ($315+ million) and cotton ($224+ million). (2012年人口普查)
  • Arizona’s food and agricultural exports exceeded $1.4 billion in 2014; major categories include cotton, fresh produce and dairy products. (贸易.gov)
  • 亚利桑那州的农田有26个.200万英亩. (U.S. 人口普查)
  • 在19个国家中,亚利桑那州有600个农场, 超过16个,000人居住在该州的13个农村县, accounting for 85 percent of the state’s agricultural base and 80 percent of the $3.2+ billion market value of Arizona’s agricultural output in 2007. (U.S. 人口普查)
  • 亚利桑那州在美国排名第二.S. in head lettuce, leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, cauliflower and broccoli production. 尤马, Arizona is the winter lettuce capital of the world, supplying 90 percent of the country’s winter green leafy vegetables. (亚利桑那大学)
  • 作为主要的棉花种植户, 亚利桑那州的棉花农场生产的棉花足以生产1亿条牛仔裤——或者足以供应美国30%的人口.S. 人口. (全国棉花协会)



  • Arizona’s copper mines produce 65 percent of all U.S. copper, and the state is the sixth-largest producer of copper in the world. (亚利桑那州矿业协会)
  • 大亚利桑那州有27个主要矿山,生产铜、金、石灰、铀、煤和水泥. 这些矿山加在一起,每年的利润为4亿美元.87 billion impact on the Arizona economy and are responsible for 51,800个直接和间接的工作岗位. Direct mining jobs paid an average annual wage of $115,000, 与51美元相比,给亚利桑那州所有的工人. (亚利桑那州矿业协会)


  • The Arizona Geological Survey estimates that there are between 682 million and 2.27 billion metric tons of potash in the Holbrook basin of east-central, Arizona; in total, the U.S. 总共有60亿吨钾肥吗.
  • 钾肥 mining in northern Arizona has the potential to produce up to 2.50亿吨钾肥, a vital crop nutrient that supports the world’s agricultural, 粮食供应和矿业市场. 钾肥 also is used in a wide variety of industrial applications, 包括金属电镀, producing oil well drilling fluid and aluminum recycling.


  • 2个以上.4 million acres of pines in four national forests, northern Arizona is home to the largest contiguous ponderosa pine forest on the continent. (北亚利桑那大学)
  • 作为美国的一部分.S. Department of Agriculture’s Four Forest Restoration Initiative, the potential for reintroducing industry into the forests is significant. 最有希望的以森林为基础的经济发展机会之一是生物质部门, 哪个使用森林管理的副产品来生产包括木材在内的生物基产品, 复合材料, 家具, 乙醇和能源原料.


  • Arizona is a leader in the country’s aerospace and defense industry, and communities in Greater Arizona are significant contributors to the state’s A&D部门. Nearly six percent of the state’s gross product can be attributed to A&D, the third highest concentration in the nation. 
  • More than 52,000 of the state’s jobs are directly attributable to the A&D部门, 总数超过150人,当考虑到该行业产生的间接和诱导就业的乘数效应时,则为000.
  • 2014年,亚利桑那州的A&出口额为3美元.230亿美元,在所有州中排名第九. 此外,导出:
  • Greater Arizona is a significant contributor to Arizona’s leadership in A&D. 估计有1600名A系直系后裔&大亚利桑那州的D工作岗位, 创造超过6的额外影响,000年直接, 间接及相关工作.
  • In 2013, 凤凰城和图森以外的运输出口总额为7.49亿美元,占该州该类出口的20%.
  • 尤马目前是海军陆战队航空站的所在地,该航空站将成为F-35联合攻击战斗机作战测试和评估中队的所在地, 这项计划已经酝酿了3年,投资超过5亿美元


  • Arizona’s military bases account for nearly 100,000年直接, 间接和诱导的就业和产出为9美元.10亿年.
  • 主要任务包括弹药训练, 情报, 无人驾驶飞机系统, 炮兵测试, 车辆测试, 空气的培训, 电子战和其他. Five military bases are located in Greater Arizona, 在亚利桑那州军事资产对全州经济的影响中占很大比例。
    • Greater Arizona’s military installations include Fort Huachuca, 海军陆战队航空站-尤马, 尤马陆军试验场, Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range and Camp Navajo Garrison Training Center.
    • 华楚卡堡的价格为2美元.4 billion in annual economic impact for the state of Arizona; 尤马 Proving Ground accounts for $425 million annual economic impact, and Marine Corps Station—尤马 accounts for a $500 million annual economic impact.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Training/Testing Leader

亚利桑那州无人机系统综合试验场(AzTRC)利用亚利桑那州丰富而独特的优势, combining multiple range locations in Greater Arizona into a comprehensive range complex. The AzTRC leverages the state’s diverse geography, 广大的空域, 340天的VFR飞行天气, 国防部和国土安全部对无人飞行操作的空中交通管制经验, 无人机系统研究联盟的专业知识, 以及学术界的合作, 行业与政府:

  • 世界上最大的无人机训练中心, 位于华楚卡堡, 培训和认证了近12个,000 members of the military in UAS operations over the last decade. The training center supports more than 20 programs of instruction, 24小时营业, 飞了5个多,每年000小时.
  • Greater Arizona is home to a Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott, America’s top-ranked aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical college.



大亚利桑那州拥有一些世界领先的天文台,这些天文台对国家安全做出了贡献, 全球导航和科学发现:

  • 亚利桑那大学的格雷厄姆山国际天文台吸引了来自世界各地的科学家进行天文学和天体物理学的高级研究.
  • The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope is situated on Mount Graham, where Vatican scientists research planetary sciences, 恒星天文学, 河外天文学和宇宙学.
  • The Heinrich Hertz Sub-millimeter Telescope Observatory, 由亚利桑那大学和马克斯普朗克研究所射电天文学研究所(波恩)共同拥有, Germany) is sited at Mount Graham International Observatory. 这个亚毫米波长的射电望远镜是世界上最精确的射电望远镜之一. It explores sub-millimeter wavelength astronomy, considered by some to be the last wholly unexplored wavelength frontier.
  • 大型双筒望远镜, 也在格雷厄姆山, 是世界上最强大的望远镜吗, one of the world’s most advanced optical telescopes, and the world’s largest single-optical telescope. 大型双筒望远镜 represents a major breakthrough in astronomy, providing images 10 times sharper than those from the Hubble Telescope. 大型双筒望远镜的聚光能力使天文学家能够观察到极其遥远和微弱的物体,如古老的星系和类星体,这将有助于揭示宇宙的进化史.
  • 洛厄尔天文台成立于1894年,是美国最古老的天文台之一. 洛厄尔的科学家于1930年发现了冥王星.
  • 美国海军天文台弗拉格斯塔夫站(NFOS)是美国国家黑暗天空观测站.S. 国防部, providing optical and near-infrared astronomy. 定位d at the Lowell Observatory, the NFOS is also the official time keeper for the U.S. 海军部. Its science provides protection oriented services for all branches of the U.S. 国防部.
  • 海军原型光学干涉仪位于洛厄尔天文台的梅萨安德森站, providing space imagery and astrometry that allows for the safe positioning, navigation and orienting of the world’s orbiting satellites.

葡萄园 & 酒

  • There are three established wine grape-growing regions in Greater Arizona, 拥有80多家保税酒庄和1家,种植了1000英亩的葡萄藤. (AZ葡萄酒协会)
  • 亚利桑那州有近40家有执照的品酒室,每年接待近14万人次. (AZ葡萄酒协会)
  • 在雅瓦派学院, 计划正在进行中,以创建西南首屈一指的学术中心,以支持葡萄酒行业和培养合格的葡萄栽培和酿酒专业人才. 雅瓦派学院(Yavapai College)提供葡萄栽培的正式课程,并于2013年增加了酿酒工艺,并开始种植17英亩的葡萄园.
    • 其他计划要求建立一个可持续的教学酒庄,每年将生产3000箱酒. 安置在一个重新设计的结构中, 这个教学酒庄将为葡萄酒行业的可持续发展建立一个教学模式.
    • Among the sustainable features: net zero for water usage; provision of sufficient natural light into the working areas to operate during daylight hours without the need for artificial lighting; and a planned 光伏 array that could make the winery net zero for electricity.


来自基因组学的前沿研究, 生物防御和公共卫生, 为一流的医疗保健干杯, bioscience and life sciences are flourishing in Greater Arizona:

  • TGen北, 转化基因组学研究联盟, 从事与病原体有关的突破性流行病学研究对医学有重要意义吗, 公共卫生和生物防御.
  • 医疗器械制造业在大亚利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫社区的集中度是全国其他地方的64倍,因为该领域的领先公司长期存在, 包括W.L. 戈尔 & Associates, the creator of GORE-TEX® and other innovative, life-saving products.


Arizona is a world leader in the renewable energy sector, 许多太阳能和水力发电装置遍布大亚利桑那州. 美国.S. Department of Energy’s Renewable Energy Book ranks Arizona second among all U.S. 光伏发电国家:

  • Total renewable electricity installed across the wind, 光伏, biomass and hydropower facilities in Arizona equated to 4,2013年为843兆瓦.
  • 2006年,亚利桑那州公司委员会批准了可再生能源标准和关税(REST)。. 这些规定要求,到2025年,受监管的电力公司必须从可再生资源中产生15%的能源.
  • 公用事业规模的太阳能发电装置位于莫哈韦县或正在建设中(340MW CSP), 马里科帕县(300MW光伏), Kingman (200MW CSP) and Picture Rocks (100MW PV). (太阳能行业协会,2015)  
  • 大亚利桑那州的风力发电设施包括位于纳瓦霍县的干湖风电场. 现有的第一阶段和最近完成的第二阶段通过61个风力涡轮机产生128兆瓦的电力. This windpower facility represents Arizona’s first turbine-powered, 商业规模的风能cq9传奇电子论坛. 另外, a new wind-power installation—Red Horse Wind Farm—is under development in Cochise County, where 26 wind turbines will generate 50 MW of power.
  • Nova Power LLC purchased a former biomass plant in northern Arizona; the new enterprise will convert forest-thinning byproduct into power, producing at least 24 megawatts of power for Arizona’s utilities.
  • 威尔考克斯温室地热井使用4级,000-foot-deep well to tap geothermal water to heat its greenhouse operations.